Art of the Sermon Episode 3: Productivity and Preaching – An Interview with Rev. Chad Brooks
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Guest: Rev. Chad Brooks – Pastor at Foundry in Monroe, LA; Host of The Productive Pastor Podcast and Co-Host of The Threshing Floor Podcast
Topic: Productivity and Preaching
Introduction to Chad, his ministry, and his church plant (1:02)
Philosophy and approach to worship and preaching (3:29)
How preaching fits into the larger worship service (4:51)
Focusing the sermon (6:30)
Story behind The Productive Pastor Podcast (7:34)
Secret to staying on top of the challenges and demands of ministry (9:19)
Preaching productivity challenges and solutions (11:54)
Chad’s sermon preparation process (14:30)
Thoughts on delivery style and length (17:46)
Using Evernote for collecting and organizing material (24:29)
Chad’s toughest and favorite preaching experiences (27:37)
Impactful preachers/communicators in Chad’s life (30:06)
Influential Books (32:59)
How to follow Chad (34:29)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
The Productive Pastor Podcast
– Episode on Chad’s process for reading notes and cataloging
The Threshing Floor Podcast
Preaching Rocket
TEDx Talk by Aaron Draplin (with use of slides as Chad describes)
Nancy Duarte on Amazon
Communicating for Change – Andy Stanley
We Speak Because We Have First Been Spoken: A “Grammar” of the Preaching Life – Michael Pasquarello III
Narrative Reading, Narrative Preaching: Reuniting New Testament Interpretation and Proclamation – Michael Pasquarello III and Joel B. Green (editors)
Reaching out to our guest
@revchadbrooks on Twitter
RevChadBrooks on Facebook
RevChadBrooks on Instagram
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com