Art of the Sermon Episode 4: More Productivity and Connecting College Students
Thanks for checking out this episode of Art of the Sermon! Be sure to subscribe through iTunes, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app. If you enjoy this episode, leave a review on our podcast’s page in the iTunes store. This will help others discover the show!
Thanks for the exciting launch (0:16)
Listener feedback on previous episodes (0:50)
Roy: Advent conversation can benefit non-preachers (1:30)
Drew: Writing as a discipline for infrequent preachers (4:06)
Reflecting on the conversation with Rev. Chad Brooks (6:00)
Importance of priorities, goals, and plans (6:56)
Preparation guards against tangents (7:47)
Knowing your own rhythm of focus and energy (8:24)
Mind Management rather than Time Management (10:04)
Productivity Tools (10:47)
Deleted Scene: Connecting college students and young adults with local churches (12:28)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
The Productive Pastor Podcast
David Kadavy on Mind Management
Defining Grace Guest Post: Scheduling and Time Management for Pastors
Next Episode arrives December 1, 2015!
Interview with Rev. Robb McCoy and Rev. Eric Fistler, the pastors behind the Pulpit Fiction Podcast
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com