Art of the Sermon Episode 5: To Lectionary or Not to Lectionary – An Interview with the Hosts of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast
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Guests: Rev. Robb McCoy- Pastor, Two Rivers United Methodist Church, Rock Island, IL
Rev. Eric Fistler- Pastor, First Congregational Church, Crystal Lake, IL
Topic: To Lectionary or Not To Lectionary
Introduction to Robb, Eric, and their ministries (1:19)
Philosophy and approach to preaching (3:02)
Origins of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast (4:48)
The benefits of doing the podcast (7:57)
Choosing when and when not to use the lectionary (10:10)
Strengths of the lectionary (13:11)
Frustration with lectionary edits (15:49)
Alternate lectionaries (17:17)
Knowing what your church and/or the moment needs (18:45)
The future of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast (20:07)
Searching for sermon material on Saturdays (22:23)
Toughest and favorite preaching experiences (23:33)
Impactful preachers/communicators (28:36)
How to follow Robb and Eric (34:12)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Pulpit Fiction Podcast
Robb and Eric on the SermonSmith Podcast
We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation by Brian McLaren
Reaching out to our guests
Pulpit Fiction Podcast on iTunes
Pulpit Fiction Website
Pulpit Fiction on Facebook
@PulpitFPodcast on Twitter
FatPastor.me (Robb McCoy’s blog)
@FatPastor on Twitter (Robb McCoy)
@PastorPirate on Twitter (Eric Fistler)
Next Episode arrives December 15, 2015!
Reflection on our interview with Robb and Eric, as well as your feedback on the show! Get yours in now using the links below.
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com