Art of the Sermon Episode 9: Transitioning to Senior Pastor – An Interview with Rev. Brian Johnson
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Guests: Rev. Brian Johnson – Senior Pastor at Tomoka UMC in Ormond Beach, FL
Topic: Transitioning to Senior Pastor
Introduction to Brian and his ministry (1:05)
The biggest change between his previous and current churches (2:57)
Rhythm and process (4:25)
Using Nozbe to stay on top of tasks (7:40)
More communication outlets as a senior pastor (8:40)
Planning: Ideal versus actual (11:10)
Control of the preaching topics (12:33)
Staying fresh (14:24)
How not growing up Christian shapes Brian’s preaching (17:25)
Manuscript versus no notes (19:52)
Impactful preachers/communicators (21:57)
Impactful books/media (25:07)
How to follow Brian (27:37)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Michael Hyatt
Brian Johnson’s video on how he uses Nozbe
Sermon Brainwave Podcast
Sermonsmith Podcast
The Productive Pastor Podcast
Giving Blood — Leonard Sweet
Communicating for Change – Andy Stanley
The Four Pages of the Sermon: A Guide to Biblical Preaching — Paul Scott Wilson
Reaching out to our guest
Brian Johnson on Facebook
@JohnsonBrian (Instagram)
Next Episode arrives February 18, 2016!
Reflection on our interview with Brian, as well as your feedback on the show! Get yours in now using the links below.
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com