Art of the Sermon Episode 11: How To Be Here – An Interview With Rob Bell
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Guest: Rob Bell – Author, Preacher, Podcaster
Topic: How to Be Here
Catching up with Rob Bell (0:33)
Podcast title inspiration (3:02)
Jesus is captivating and sermons should be too (4:12)
Creating space (6:39)
The diversity of Rob’s audience (9:07)
Sermons are participatory events (13:20)
Preaching as an exchange of energy (14:25)
Preaching vs. Transmission of information (15:10)
You are the medium (16:41)
Being authentic vs. Talking about authenticity (18:10)
How to Be Here (22:52)
Toughest and favorite preaching experiences (26:38)
Orienting life around preaching (30:23)
The value of asking questions (33:43)
Impactful communicators (35:29)
Influential books (37:41)
How to follow Rob (40:06)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Rob’s Amazon Page
The RobCast
How to Be Here
Poets, Prophets, Preachers
Robert Farrar Capon
JPS Torah Commentaries
“Heart and Mind: The Four-Gospel Journey for Radical Transformation” by Alexander Shaia
“On Writing” by Stephen King
“A Year With Swollen Appendices: Brian Eno’s Diary “ by Brian Eno
“Honest to God” by John A. T. Robinson
Scott Shuman
Reaching out to our guest
@RealRobBell (Instagram)
Special Announcement!
Rev. Sarah Heath, our guest from January 2016, will appear in an episode of the web series “Chuck Knows Church”! Her episode will be available starting March 14 at ChuckKnowsChurch.com
Next Episode arrives March 17, 2016!
Reflection and building on the conversation with Rob — including your feedback on the show! Get yours in now using the links below.
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com