Art of the Sermon Episode 12: Structure Breeds Spontaneity – Reflecting on Rob Bell
Thanks for checking out this episode of Art of the Sermon! Be sure to subscribe through iTunes, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app. If you enjoy this episode, leave a review on our podcast’s page in the iTunes store. This will help others discover the show!
Thank you and hello to new listeners (0:15)
Listener Feedback: Joshua (1:45)
Rationale behind standard closing questions (2:05)
Inspired by comedians (3:00)
Listener Feedback: Ryan (4:38)
Having something to say (4:57)
Noticing and collecting (5:40)
Interested, curious, and passionate (7:02)
Time is a multiplier (8:22)
Rob Bell advice: Make a sermon “to do” list (8:58)
Get your voice on the podcast (10:22)
Rob Bell: Structure breeds spontaneity (11:14)
Rob Bell’s key to memorizing (12:39)
Andy Stanley and when things don’t come out right (13:49)
Announcements (18:04)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Rob’s Amazon Page
The RobCast
How to Be Here
Poets, Prophets, Preachers
Sleepwalk with Me
My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend
AOTS 001
AOTS 010
AOTS 003
Photo of Rob Bell’s “Everything is Spiritual” structure
Andy Stanley’s Christianity Today interview
Chuck Knows Church
AOTS Facebook Page (live streams coming soon – like to be notified!)
Reaching out to our guest
@RealRobBell (Instagram)
Next Episode arrives April 7, 2016!
An interview with Derrick Scott III – Executive Director at CCW (Campus to City Wesley Foundation), a multi-campus college ministry in northeast Florida
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com