Art of the Sermon Episode 15: (re)Aligning with God – An Interview with Dr. Brian Russell
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Guest: Dr. Brian Russell – Professor of Biblical studies and Dean of the School of Urban Ministries at Asbury Theological Seminary, Writer, and Speaker
General Topic: Reading Scripture as a Whole for Church and World
Introduction to Brian and his work (0:40)
The ultimate compliment (3:17)
Philosophy and approach to preaching (4:40)
Practical steps for reading Scripture (5:45)
Philosophy for reading Scripture (9:56)
When Bible reading becomes dry (16:08)
Incorporating the whole narrative (18:13)
Parallels in the Old Testament with today’s world (20:38)
Toughest and favorite preaching experiences (26:14)
Impactful preachers and communicators (29:19)
Influential books (34:21)
How to follow Brian (35:22)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
(re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World
Asbury Theological Seminary
Wondrous Depth by Ellen Davis
Words that Work by Frank Luntz
John Steinbeck on Amazon
Ernest Hemingway on Amazon
Reaching out to our guest
Next Episode arrives May 19, 2016!
More from the conversation with Dr. Brian Russell.
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com