Art of the Sermon Episode 020: Why You Should Podcast Your Sermons
Thanks for checking out this episode of Art of the Sermon! Be sure to subscribe through iTunes, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app. If you enjoy this episode, leave a review on our podcast’s page in the iTunes store. This will help others discover the show!
Pokemon GO (0:26)
Social Media Graphics Tutorial Video (2:13)
Experimentation with the Show (2:37)
Back to Podcasting (3:38)
Podcasting Your Sermons (4:32)
Reason 1: Time (5:23)
Reason 2: Church Attendance (7:07)
Reason 3: Sermons have Purpose (11:46)
Reason 4: Value Beyond Your Church (13:02)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Pokemon GO Blog
Pokemon GO Location Registration (UPDATE: The Developer Has Removed the Form)
Social Media Graphics Tutorial
AOTS 018
AOTS 019
Rainer on Leadership Podcast
Pat Flynn Podcasting Tutorials
Podcast Method
The Podcast Answer Man
Howe Original Blog Post on Podcasting Equipment
Blue Icicle XLR to USB Adaptor
Blue Yeti USB Microphone
Sure SM58 Microphone
Heil PR40 Microphone Package
Focusrite Digital Audio Interfaces
Blueberry Podcasting Plugin
Libsyn Podcast Hosting
Rainer Twitter Poll on Sermon Prep Length
Barna Data on Church Attendance
Carey Nieuwhof Blog on Church Attendance
Next Episode arrives August 4, 2016!
An interview with Adam Weber – Founding and Lead Pastor at Embrace Church, the fastest growing United Methodist Church
Connect with the Show
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Instagram- Instagram.com/ArtOfTheSermon
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com