027: Understanding and Connecting with Emerging Generations – An Interview with Kristen Soltis Anderson – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Kristen Soltis Anderson – Co-Founder of Echelon Insights, Political Contributor to ABC World News, Author, and Co-Host of The Pollsters Podcast
General Topic: Understanding and Connecting with Emerging Generations
Introduction to Kristen Soltis Anderson (1:01)
Insights into Millennials (4:20)
Moves toward issue-specific focus (12:50)
Communicating with emerging generations (14:41)
How Kristen distills information for the soundbite world of TV (19:41)
What gives Kristen hope after a tough election season (22:13)
Impactful communicators (25:28)
Recommended Resources (27:14)
Where to see Kristen on election night and how to follow her work (29:02)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
Echelon Insights
@EchelonInsights (Twitter)
The Pollsters Podcast
The Selfie Vote by Kristen Soltis Anderson
Pew Research on identifying with generations
Instagram Stories
The Upshot Blog
The Federalist
The Federalist Radio Hour
This Week (ABC)
Reaching out to our guest
@ksoltisanderson (Twitter)
@ksoltisanderson (Instagram)
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Next Episode arrives November 17, 2016!
An interview with Rev. Melissa Cooper, Director of LECFamily, Program Director for the Life Enrichment Center
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com