33: When Cancer Steals Your Voice – An Interview with Rev. Narcie Jeter – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Rev. Narcie Jeter – Lead Pastor, Point Hope UMC (Mt. Pleasant, SC)
General Topic: Trusting in God while recovering from cancer surgery
Introduction to Narcie Jeter (1:16)
The power of meaningful conversation (4:25)
Narcie’s story begins (5:44)
Diagnosed with brain tumor at age 30 (9:17)
The second surgery (10:03)
The power of memory (14:36)
Wrestling with God and calling (19:38)
Encouragement for others who are struggling (22:16)
How Narcie is doing now (27:28)
Most challenging preaching experience (29:16)
Impactful communicators (30:24)
Recommended resources (31:32)
Connecting with Narcie (32:37)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- Blessings on the Journey – Narcie’s Blog
- Point Hope United Methodist Church
- Candler School of Theology
- Winthrop Wesley Foundation
- Gator Wesley Foundation
- Rev. Tim McClendon (Narcie’s Father)
- Barbara Brown Taylor
- Rev. Bridgette Young Ross
- Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Text Week
- Homiletics Online
- Sacred Ordinary Days
- The United Methodist Music & Worship Planner 2016-2017 CEB Edition
Reaching out to our guest
@NarcieJeter (Twitter)
@NarcieJeter (Facebook)
Narcie’s Blog
Share Your Favorite Quotes
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Twitter (Click on image for full size)
Next Episode arrives February 16, 2017!
An Interview with Rev. Brian Combs – Lead Pastor at The Haywood Street Congregation (Asheville, NC)
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com