43: When Sermon Illustrations Aren’t “Family Friendly” – An AOTS Minisode
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General Topic: Discernment and Pop Culture Sermon Illustrations
Happy 4th of July! (0:41)
Pulpit Fiction Podcast (2:04)
Intro to the Minisode Topic (3:01)
1. Pray about it (4:21)
2. Don’t automatically reject something because it’s messy (4:56)
3. Let the stories of Scripture be your guide (5:47)
4. Use Philippians 4:8 as a test (6:32)
5. Just because it is messy or ambiguous doesn’t mean it’s profound (7:54)
6. Understand that the medium matters (9:08)
7. Be clear and intentional about why you want to reference something (10:09)
8. Are there other options? (11:07)
9. Context, context, context (12:04)
Wrap up (13:00)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- When Sermon Illustrations Aren’t “Family Friendly” – Defining Grace Blog Post
- Pulpit Fiction Podcast
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Next Episode arrives July 20, 2017!
An Interview with Rev. Allen Stanton, Pastor at Merritt’s Chapel UMC (Chapel Hill, NC)
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com