51: Preparing for and Preaching Advent – An Interview with Rev. Katie Z. Dawson – Art of the Sermon
Thanks for checking out this episode of Art of the Sermon! Be sure to subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app. If you enjoy this episode, leave a review on our podcast’s page in the iTunes store. This will help others discover the show!
Guest: Rev. Katie Z. Dawson – Lead Pastor, Immanuel United Methodist Church (Des Moines, IA)
General Topic: Advent
Introduction to Katie (2:09)
Philosophy of preaching (3:54)
Current events and preaching (4:54)
Advent planning and preparation (7:03)
Planning chronologically (9:19)
Getting in the Advent spirit (11:07)
Katie’s ideal schedule (13:12)
Opportunities and challenges of preaching advent (16:33)
Keeping Advent fresh (18:05)
All Earth is Waiting – Katie’s new Advent book (19:30)
Advent is about the future too (23:46)
Most challenging communication experience (26:03)
Easter or Christmas Eve (27:29)
Impactful communicators (28:51)
Recommended books and resources (29:36)
How to follow Katie (31:17)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- Salvaged Faith (Katie’s Blog)
- All Earth Is Waiting by Katie Z. Dawson
- All Earth Is Waiting: Devotions for the Season by Katie Z. Dawson
- Immanuel United Methodist Church
- Divinity School | Vanderbilt University
- Art of the Sermon Episode 1: The Blessing and Challenge of Preaching Advent – An Interview with Rev. Magrey deVega
- Songs for Christmas | Sufjan Stevens
- Classical Christmas (Spotify Playlist)
- Vince Guaraldi Trio – A Charlie Brown Christmas
- The Text This Week
- Awaiting the Already: An Advent Journey Through the Gospels by Magrey deVega
- Michael Williams
- The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food by Dan Barber
- Wendell Berry
Reaching out to our guest
SalvagedFaith.com (Katie’s blog)
@PastorKatie (Twitter)
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Next Episode arrives November 16, 2017!
An interview with Andrew Root – Author, Theologian, and Professor at Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN)
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com