58: Identity and Preaching – An Interview with Rev. Justin Coleman – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Rev. Justin Coleman – Lead Pastor, University United Methodist Church (Chapel Hill, NC)
Introduction to Justin (0:47)
Philosophy of communication (3:40)
Justin’s background (7:40)
Cross-racial ministry (10:55)
The role preaching played in Justin’s call to ministry (14:48)
How preaching fits into Justin’s identity and role as a pastor (16:38)
Preaching as a tool for vision and leadership (20:32)
How Justin begins every sermon (26:01)
Most challenging preaching experience (29:34)
Easter or Christmas Eve (34:09)
Impactful communicators (36:46)
Recommended resources (39:49)
How to follow Justin (42:08)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- University UMC – Chapel Hill, NC
- United Methodist Publishing House
- Duke Divinity School
- Mike Slaughter
- Ginghamsburg Church
- Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr.
- St. Luke Community United Methodist Church
- SMU Perkins School of Theology
- Rev. William Lawson
- Gardner C. Taylor
- Bishop Will Willimon
- Rev. Bill Gattis
- Sam Wells
- Andy Stanley
- Timothy Keller
- Rob Bell
- Father Greg Boyle
- Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle
- Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship by Gregory Boyle
- reClaimed: Dialogues on Justice and Kinship
- Ministry Matters
- Justin Coleman’s articles on Ministry Matters
Reaching out to our guest
@RevColeman (Twitter)
@justin.coleman7 (Facebook)
UniversityUMC.church (Justin’s church website)
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Next Episode arrives March 1, 2018!
An interview with David Van Biema, author and former head religion writer for Time
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com