66: Overcoming Anxiety in Sermon Planning and Writing – Art of the Sermon
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Topic:Overcoming Anxiety in Sermon Planning and Writing
The anxiety of planning and writing sermons (0:10)
Plan ahead (2:49)
Match your planning to your personality (4:05)
Focused time (6:22)
Personal devotion and writing time (8:23)
Capture ideas that capture you (10:10)
Listen to your community (11:40)
Remember God’s faithfulness (13:12)
Wrap up (14:56)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- Nadia Bolz-Weber
- CNLP 173: Craig Groeschel Deconstructs His Approach to Preaching, Leadership, Success, The Future and More
- A Focus on Distraction
- Evernote
- Google Forms
- SurveyMonkey
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Next Episode arrives October 4, 2018!
An interview with Abby Norman, Pastor at New Hope UMC (Atlanta, GA) and recently featured on the Start Up Podcast
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com