67: Replanting the Sermon – An Interview with Abby Norman – Art of the Sermon
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Guest: Abby Norman – Pastor of New Hope United Methodist Church (Atlanta, GA)
Intro to Abby Norman (0:41)
Abby’s story (2:09)
Why is preaching important when you have influence elsewhere? (9:21)
What is foundational to Abby’s preaching (13:31)
How preaching fits into Abby’s pastoral identity and vocation (18:14)
Choosing sermon topics (19:49)
Evolution in Abby’s preaching (21:41)
Leaving the manuscript behind (26:14)
Favorite and most challenging preaching experience (29:19)
Christmas Eve or Easter (32:12)
Impactful communicators (34:05)
Recommended resources (38:32)
Connecting with Abby (40:32)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- Abby Norman
- New Hope UMC
- Church Planting 6: The Woman At The Pulpit by StartUp from Gimlet Media
- Church Clarity
- Rev. Dr. Ted Smith
- Barbara Brown Taylor
- Mary Moore | Ball State University
- Jennifer Talbert
- Jen Hatmaker
- SheLoves Magazine
- Kelley Nikondeha
Reaching out to our guest
@abbynormansays (Twitter)
@abbynormansays (Instagram)
@abbynormansays (Facebook)
AbbyNorman.net (Abby’s website)
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Next Episode arrives October 18, 2018!
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com