32: Interesting Preaching – An Interview with Rev. Eric Huffman – Art of the Sermon
Thanks for checking out this episode of Art of the Sermon! Be sure to subscribe through iTunes, Google Play Music, or your favorite podcast app. If you enjoy this episode, leave a review on our podcast’s page in the iTunes store. This will help others discover the show!
Guest: Rev. Eric Huffman – Lead Pastor, The Story (Houston, TX)
General Topic: Keeping Preaching Interesting
Introduction to Eric Huffman (0:35)
The Story in Houston (2:02)
What do you mean by interesting? And why? (4:53)
Communicating the Gospel (8:20)
What makes some preaching boring (9:38)
What interests preachers versus their congregations (12:31)
Thoughts on “performance” (17:28)
Humor in preaching (23:10)
Favorite and challenging preaching experiences (26:24)
Impactful communicators (30:29)
Recommended resources (35:32)
Connecting with Eric (38:17)
Links to things mentioned in the episode
- The Story Houston
- St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Houston, Texas
- Louis CK
- George Carlin
- Adam Hamilton
- Rob Bell
- Walter Brueggemann
- Will Willimon
- Stanley Hauerwas
- Mark Driscoll
- Andy Stanley
- Barbara Brown Taylor
- Anne Lamott
- Craig Groeschel
- Nadia Bolz-Weber
- Jen Hatmaker
- Justin Morgan
- Matt Miofsky
- Jessica LaGrone
- Emanuel Cleaver
- “You’re Scaring the Children” – Andy Stanley
Reaching out to our guest
@EricTheStory (Twitter)
@PastorEricHuffman (Instagram)
@PastorEricHuffman (Facebook)
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Next Episode arrives February 2, 2017!
An interview with Rev. Narcie Jeter – Lead Pastor at Point Hope UMC in Mt. Pleasant, SC
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Art of the Sermon is a project by Dan Wunderlich of Defining Grace. Learn more at DefiningGrace.com