Art of the Sermon Podcast
“Art of the Sermon” is a show for preachers, teachers, and communicators. My aim is to make a show for leaders in ministry–formally or informally, inside or outside the church–who have an interest in preaching/public speaking and church communication.
The primary format for this show is the interview. This allows us to engage with a wide-range of guests on many different aspects of preaching, teaching, and communication. While many of the guests are pastors and preachers, I also believe it is important to learn from those outside the profession of preaching who have something to teach us.
Use the links below to connect with the show and send in your feedback. I would love to hear what you’re learning, what has made an impact for you, and if you have any guests you would love to hear on the podcast!
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All Episodes

51: Preparing for and Preaching Advent – An Interview with Rev. Katie Z. Dawson – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Katie Z. Dawson is the Lead Pastor of Immanuel United Methodist Church in Des Moines, IA. Katie joins us to talk about preparing for Advent and perspectives on the season we may overlook.

50: Preaching as Leadership – An Interview with Carey Nieuwhof – Art of the Sermon
Carey Nieuwhof is a podcaster, author, and Pastor of Connexus Church in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. Carey joins us to talk about preaching as a tool for and act of leadership.

49: Preaching Through a Dry Season – An Interview with Rev. Dalton Rushing – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Dalton Rushing is the Senior Pastor of Decatur First United Methodist Church in Decatur, GA. Dalton joins us to talk about preaching through and out of spiritually dry seasons.

48: Money, Generosity, and Stewardship – An Interview with A.J. Thomas – Art of the Sermon
A.J. Thomas is Founder and Director of the Joyful Giving Group. A.J. joins us to offer perspectives and tips on talking about money and generosity.

47: The Power of Public Theology – An Interview with Sophia Agtarap – Art of the Sermon
Sophia Agtarap is the Director of Communications at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Sophia joins us today to talk about the power of public theology and the role clergy and lay can play.

46: Sermon Writing and Repurposing – An Interview with Justin Trapp – Art of the Sermon
Justin Trapp is the founder of Ministry Pass and the co-creator of Sermonary. Justin joins us today to talk about the tools we use to write sermons and how to repurpose sermon content.

45: Single Moms and the Church – An Interview with Alisha Gordon – Art of the Sermon
Alisha Gordon is a writer, published author, and serves as the Executive for Spiritual Growth at United Methodist Women. Alisha joins us to talk about the relationship between single moms at the church.

44: Ministry in Rural Communities – An Interview with Rev. Allen Stanton – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Allen Stanton is the pastor of Merritt’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Chapel Hill, NC. Allen joins us to talk about the blessings and challenges of doing ministry in rural communities.

43: When Sermon Illustrations Aren’t “Family Friendly” – An AOTS Minisode
Sometimes the perfect sermon illustration is found within a TV show, movie, or other piece of pop culture that isn’t “family friendly.” Deciding whether or not to use that illustration is difficult, but prayer is always a solid start.

42: Ministry in a Big City – An Interview with Rev. Olu Brown – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Olu Brown is the founding and lead pastor of Impact Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Olu joins us to talk about what it’s like to preach and do ministry in a big city.