Art of the Sermon Podcast
“Art of the Sermon” is a show for preachers, teachers, and communicators. My aim is to make a show for leaders in ministry–formally or informally, inside or outside the church–who have an interest in preaching/public speaking and church communication.
The primary format for this show is the interview. This allows us to engage with a wide-range of guests on many different aspects of preaching, teaching, and communication. While many of the guests are pastors and preachers, I also believe it is important to learn from those outside the profession of preaching who have something to teach us.
Use the links below to connect with the show and send in your feedback. I would love to hear what you’re learning, what has made an impact for you, and if you have any guests you would love to hear on the podcast!
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All Episodes

31: Team Sermon Preparation – An Interview with Rev. Jorge Acevedo – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Jorge Acevedo is the lead pastor of the 5-campus Grace Church in Cape Coral, Florida. Jorge joins us to share how he and his campus pastors prepare sermons together as a team.

30: 2016 Year in Review – Art of the Sermon
As we celebrate the first anniversary of the podcast, we take a look back at some of the most interesting moments from the show’s first year.

29: Online and Social Media Ministry – An Interview with Jay Kranda – Art of the Sermon
Jay Kranda is the Online Campus Pastor for Saddleback Church and co-host of the Social Media Church Podcast. Jay joins us to talk about doing ministry online and through social media.

028: Intergenerational Ministry – An Interview with Rev. Melissa Cooper – Art of the Sermon
Rev. Melissa Cooper is the director of LECFamily and has a passion for intergenerational ministry. She joins us to talk about practical steps we can take to make worship inclusive of the entire family.

027: Understanding and Connecting with Emerging Generations – An Interview with Kristen Soltis Anderson – Art of the Sermon
Kristen Soltis Anderson is a pollster and a political contributor to ABC World News. She joins us to talk about what she’s learned about emerging generations and how to connect with them.

026: Preaching as a Tool for Unity – Part 2 with Bishop Ken Carter – Art of the Sermon
In part 2 of 2, Bishop Ken Carter passionately shares about how preaching can be a tool for finding unity in seasons of conflict. He also reflects on the future of preaching in fresh expressions of ministry.

025: A Career in Preaching – Part 1 with Bishop Ken Carter – Art of the Sermon
Bishop Ken Carter leads the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and is President-Elect for the Council of Bishops. In part 1 of 2, he shares the role preaching has played throughout his career.

Art of the Sermon Episode 024: Science, Doubt, and Faith – An Interview with “Science Mike” McHargue
“Science Mike” McHargue is a podcaster and writer that helps people reconcile their faith with modern science. He joins us to talk about his new book “Finding God in the Waves” as well as the relationship between science, doubt, and faith.

Art of the Sermon Episode 023: Poets & Saints – An Interview with Leslie Jordan of All Sons & Daughters
Leslie Jordan is one-half of the worship band All Sons & Daughters, and she joins us today to talk about their new project “Poets and Saints” as well as her love for worship and the Church.

Art of the Sermon Episode 022: Communicating and Leading As a Woman – An Interview with HBR’s Sarah Green Carmichael
Sarah Green Carmichael is a Senior Editor at Harvard Business Review who has closely studied leadership and strategy. She joins us for a conversation about the role gender plays for women in communicating and leading.