Art of the Sermon Podcast
“Art of the Sermon” is a show for preachers, teachers, and communicators. My aim is to make a show for leaders in ministry–formally or informally, inside or outside the church–who have an interest in preaching/public speaking and church communication.
The primary format for this show is the interview. This allows us to engage with a wide-range of guests on many different aspects of preaching, teaching, and communication. While many of the guests are pastors and preachers, I also believe it is important to learn from those outside the profession of preaching who have something to teach us.
Use the links below to connect with the show and send in your feedback. I would love to hear what you’re learning, what has made an impact for you, and if you have any guests you would love to hear on the podcast!
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All Episodes

Art of the Sermon Episode 11: How To Be Here – An Interview With Rob Bell
Rob Bell joins us for a wide-ranging conversation that centers on his love for the sermon. He also tells us about his new book “How To Be Here,” releasing March 8, 2016.

Art of the Sermon Episode 10: Expectations and Planning Aid Vision
We check in with Rev. Brian Johnson and his transition to senior pastor after 6 months. He shares how setting clear expectations and planning ahead has helped keep him and his church focused on vision.

Art of the Sermon Episode 9: Transitioning to Senior Pastor – An Interview with Rev. Brian Johnson
Rev. Brian Johnson joins us for a conversation about his transition from associate pastor to senior pastor. He reflects on the new opportunities and responsibilities.

Art of the Sermon Episode 8: The Artist Preacher – An Interview with Rev. Sarah Heath, Part 2
We continue our conversation with Rev. Sarah Heath, picking up where we left off in episode 7. This part of the conversation includes a focus on the relationship between identity, calling, and ordination.

Art of the Sermon Episode 7: The Artist Preacher – An Interview with Rev. Sarah Heath, Part 1
Rev. Sarah Heath joins us for a conversation about the role of identity in preaching, and specifically her identity as an artist. Sarah is a pastor, writer, speaker, and artist.

Art of the Sermon Episode 6: Using and Abusing The Lectionary
We reflect and build on our conversation about the lectionary with Rev. Robb McCoy and Rev. Eric Fistler of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast. We also address Advent stress and wrapping up 2015.

Art of the Sermon Episode 5: To Lectionary or Not to Lectionary – An Interview with the Hosts of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast
Rev. Robb McCoy and Rev. Eric Fistler join us for a conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of preaching the lectionary. Robb and Eric are both pastors as well as the hosts of the Pulpit Fiction Podcast.

Art of the Sermon Episode 4: More Productivity and Connecting College Students
We reflect and build on our conversation with Rev Chad Brooks. In a deleted scene, Dan and Chad discuss the challenge and opportunities in connecting young adults to the church post-college.

Art of the Sermon Episode 3: Productivity and Preaching – An Interview with Rev. Chad Brooks
Rev. Chad Brooks joins us for a conversation about productivity and the practice of preaching. Chad is a church planter and host of two podcasts of his own– The Productive Pastor and The Threshing Floor.

Art of the Sermon Episode 2: The Discipline of Writing
We reflect and build on our conversation with Rev Magrey deVega. In a deleted scene, we hear what Margey learned from spending a week with Eugene Peterson.