Rev. Chris Abel is the Young Adult Pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. Chris joins us today to share about where the church succeeds and fails with young adults.
As a leader, do you like to be in control? Do you struggle with trusting others to do and say the right thing? If so, Pentecost is going to be a challenge.
If you have experimented with Facebook ads, you likely used them to send people to your website. But there is another option that starts a conversation instead, leading to a potentially more effective connection. Included in the post are 4 templates you can implement today!
Rev. Charley Reeb is the pastor of Pasadena Community Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. Charley joins us to share about his new book “That’ll Preach: 5 Simple Steps to Your Best Sermon Ever.”
It is easy for churches to fall victim to the plague of typos and poor grammar. While not the most important aspect of ministry, it may mean more than you think.