Preaching classes, textbooks, and workshops recommend that we start our sermons with something compelling—a story, joke, fact, or question. But some of the best communicators in the church break this rule all the time. This episode explores when and how to do that effectively.
We all need great photos for social media posts, sermon graphics, and other projects. Here are the best winter and Valentine’s Day photos you can use for free!
Brent Gambrell is President of Brent Gambrell Ministries in Nashville, TN, and the author of the new book “Living for Another.” Brent joins us today to talk about why self-help preaching is the opposite of what we should be doing.
As we kickoff 2018, do you have any resolutions for how you and your ministry communicate online? I have three suggestions if you’re looking for some ideas.
Thanks for a great ministry partnership in 2017! Here are a few exciting announcements and ways to stay connected in 2018.