Quick hack for organizing incoming email
If you have a Gmail or Google Apps email address, here is a quick and easy way to organize incoming emails before you even see them!
New Music: Simple Gospel by United Pursuit
“Simple Gospel” is the new album from United Pursuit (available August 14, 2015). The new album is sure to provide at least a couple songs for your band to work into its rotation.
Scott Harrison of charity: water
charity: water does amazing work around the globe. Check out the compelling story behind the cause.
Psalm 130 – Responsive Reading Images
Responsive reading images/text for Psalm 130.
Friendly Reminder: Back To School Time is Here
As kids head back to school, families think about heading back to church. Are you ready?
Perspective and the Challenge of #AllLivesMatter
If we truly believe that all lives matter, we can confidently say without qualification that black lives matter.
The Anatomy of an Echo
The anatomy of an echo gives us a great model for discipleship in the interplay of Source (God), Surface (us), and Medium (Holy Spirit).
The Sky is Proclaiming God’s Handiwork
The images of Pluto sent back by the New Horizons mission offer a great visual pairing with Psalm 19.
Is Your Church Like King Tut’s Tomb?
King Tut’s tomb was full of incredible value and was virtually untouched for centuries. But it wasn’t because some complicated lock kept people out. The same is true of our churches and today’s culture.
The Problem with Good Ideas
Just because something is a good idea doesn’t mean God wants you to do it.