Rev. Adam Hamilton is the founding and senior pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. Adam joins us to share what he’s learned over his career in preaching.
Rev. Chris Abel is the Young Adult Pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas. Chris joins us today to share about where the church succeeds and fails with young adults.
Rev. Charley Reeb is the pastor of Pasadena Community Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. Charley joins us to share about his new book “That’ll Preach: 5 Simple Steps to Your Best Sermon Ever.”
It is the week after Easter, and in honor of all of the associate pastors and guest preachers who will be in pulpits this weekend, here is a micro episode on how guest preaching can enhance your ministry.
Rev. Jim Harnish is an author and retired United Methodist pastor. Jim joins us to talk about the relationship between politics and preaching.
Brad Montague is the creative mind behind the Kid President video series. Brad joins us today to talk about the power of love, joy, and creativity.