What qualifications do you really need to fulfill a calling? What happens if an opportunity presents itself out of the blue? Explores these questions through the story of the “designated survivor” who would become President if the worst happens during the State of the Union speech.
This story and quote from Kayla Mueller, a young woman of faith who ended up dying while in captivity with ISIS, can serve as a unique yet impactful illustration of Jesus’ call to take up our cross and follow him.
Chip and Dan Heath deliver a great framework on how to understand and enact change. While it is a quick read full of interesting examples, you will soon see that there is depth here as well. I was able to present the material in a sermon series, and it was well received.
Let’s face it–some TV shows run twice as long as they should. This happens even with ones we love, like Downton Abbey. Three shows (Downton, The West Wing, and House) all ran long for different reasons, and there is a chance we face the same temptations with our sermons.
In Acts 15, the early church faced a conflict about the direction of the church and Christian practice. Some felt the need to hold onto the past. Others wanted to forge ahead in a new direction. Sound familiar?
A video released recently like NASA had me both lying on my back and pretending like I did when I was a kid… and thinking about how amazing God’s creation truly is.