Back-to-School Landing Page for your Church Website
When you promote special events on social media, instead of sending them to the front page of your website, it is a good idea to create a special page on your website for that event—known as a “landing page.” There are two primary reasons you want to do this.
First, by clicking on the link in your post or ad, they are indicating that they specifically want more information about this event. Send them to a page that gives them exactly what they want and answers all of their questions. The front page of your website doesn’t do this.
Second, if you have installed a Facebook Pixel on your church website, you can target people who have visited this specific page. What this means is that in the run-up to your Back-to-School Sunday, you can ask Facebook to show ads to people who have already expressed interest by visiting this page on your website. And if you have a specific event, sermon series, or small group targeted at families in the weeks after Back-to-School Sunday, you can target this audience again.
Click here to see the example Back-to-School landing page I put together.
You can use this as a template or inspiration to create your own Back-to-School landing page.
Page Elements
Customize the page address to something like YourChurch[dot]org[slash]BackToSchool. This makes it easy to remember, and it will look good in social media posts or on fliers/postcards.
Large Header Image with the Back-to-School logo. — Download link
Direct invitation with date and address.
Personal invitation — text or video from pastor/family ministries director/etc. Briefly explain what makes the day special and why you want them to be a part of it.
Questions and answers that a visitor is likely to have. Include things like parking, where to go, where kids go, what to wear, and what to bring. Include contact information for people who have more questions.
Schedule for the day detailing what events will be a happening that day.
If you have a Facebook Pixel installed, or if someone in your church can help you do this, go ahead and set up a Custom Audience for website traffic to this specific page on your site. Next week, we will discuss Back-to-School Facebook ads, and if you start sending people to this page with social media posts, you will be able to start the retargeting phase sooner.
Back-to-School Series
Social Media Graphics
Landing Page
Facebook Ad Ideas
Blessing of Students, Teachers, and Parents