The Best Free Christmas Stock Photos
We all need stock photos from time to time in ministry. Whether we are creating announcement slides, worship graphics, or social media posts, high quality photography is a must. It is equally as important to feature photography that we are legally allowed to use.
Unsplash.com is by far one of the best free stock photography sites out there. Not only are the images amazing, but you can use them for free without any restrictions. And while you can use the site and download images without creating an account, doing so makes collecting and organizing photos really simple. I recently joined, and you can follow me and my collections at this link.
Unsplash can be simultaneously overwhelming and amazing—you can sit and literally scroll through thousands of amazing images. As with previous stock photo posts, my goal is to save you time by pointing you directly to some of the best images for the season or theme. I am also looking for images that are not only stunning but will work within a larger design. Here are some examples of things you can do with images from these Christmas collections:

I have created 4 different Christmas and winter collections organized by specific themes. Click on the title of the collection to view and download the images in the collection. Below each title is a randomly selected image to give you an idea of what you will find in each collection.