The Best Free Summer Stock Photos
Here’s a round-up of some of the best summer-themed stock photos that you can use for social media posts, sermon series graphics, announcement slides, or whatever else you’re designing. All of the photos below can be used for free without attribution. Follow the links to the original sites to download the full-sized image.
Awesome post, really useful!
Have you heard about rawpixel? You’ve probably seen our images all over the place. We’re the leading stock photo contributor in the world. We’ve just launched our website http://www.rawpixel.com, where we give away the best free design resources out there. We’d be stoked if you could add us to this list.
Looking forward to you joining our community of creatives.
This is a helpful guide – thanks. One thing to think about is that if you use a visual with a person, for-profit use may require a model release.
One resource I’ve also found useful is Wunderstock. It’s a search engine for Creative Commons photos on Flickr:
It has an amazing selection. I’ll find free photos for many arcane keywords here as well as more common stuff. I also use Picography and Rawpixel.