Christopher Nolan’s Tip for Easter Sunday
Master filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s words of advice to up-and-comers is actually great advice for Easter Sunday morning. Will you make the most of the opportunity your ministry is given?
Master filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s words of advice to up-and-comers is actually great advice for Easter Sunday morning. Will you make the most of the opportunity your ministry is given?
While consumerism is the wrong approach to church, from the very beginning (literally with “Doubting” Thomas during the week after the resurrection) people have had personal expectations and requirements. As that bar seems to get higher, how do we respond?
Periscope is Twitter’s new app that allows live streaming of video. This offers some unique opportunities for churches and campus ministries to make connections and tell their story! Included is a discussion of potential drawbacks as well as a comparison to Meerkat.
Meerkat is a new app that allows live streaming of video in conjunction with Twitter. This offers some unique opportunities for churches and campus ministries to make connections and tell their story! Included is a discussion of potential drawbacks as well.
Self-published author Courtney Milan writes, “the moment after someone finishes your book is the point when they are most favorably inclined to you as an author.” So, that is exactly where she puts a call to action. Can we identify these moments in other areas too?