The Secrets to a Top 5 TED Talk

The Secrets to a Top 5 TED Talk

On “The Tim Ferriss Show,” Brené Brown reflected on what went into her TED Talk entitled “The Power of Vulnerability.” At over 21 million views, this talk is in the TED top 5. Here are the key takeaways you can apply in your own context.

The Name They’re Here to Hear

The Name They’re Here to Hear

We must connect the main point of the message with the people who are listening. If they don’t “hear their name,” by seeing how it affects them personally, they may find your sermon interesting, but it is less likely to be impactful.

The Preacher’s Responsibility

The Preacher’s Responsibility

“In some ways, I really don’t feel responsible for what the people of my church believe, but I feel very responsible for what they hear.” – Nadia Bolz-Weber

Friendly Reminder: Seek Feedback

Friendly Reminder: Seek Feedback

This is just a friendly reminder to seek feedback. We all know we should, but it often slips from our list of priorities. When we seek regular feedback from both those that receive our work and those that know what its like to be in our shoes, we are making an intentional choice to get better.

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