Who Do You Say That I Am?
If the answer to Jesus’ question, “Who do the people say that I am?” leaves us concerned, it is time to apply that question to the areas of ministry upon which we are relying.
If the answer to Jesus’ question, “Who do the people say that I am?” leaves us concerned, it is time to apply that question to the areas of ministry upon which we are relying.
The flashlight is just one of 27 business models disrupted by the iPhone. The church opens itself up to disruption when its primary focus becomes anything other than what truly makes it unique.
“What [people] need is a church to be less like a concert hall and more like a community music school. A concert hall, you come for great performances, and we’re great at that in the church- we preach, we do great music, we do it all. And our people are ‘audience’ all too often. Music schools also have great performances, but that’s not why you choose them. You choose them because you want to learn how to play.” – David Lose, on the Pulpit Fiction Podcast