Responsive Reading for Laity Sunday: Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality.” It adapts Scripture from Romans, 1 Timothy, and Philippians.
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality.” It adapts Scripture from Romans, 1 Timothy, and Philippians.
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Living Vital Worship.” It adapts Scripture from Micah, James, Romans, and Matthew.
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Creating Unity in Ministry.” It is an adaptation of 1 Peter 2:9-10a and Ephesians 4:11-13a (CEB).
Responsive reading images/text for Psalm 130.
A responsive reading for use on Good Friday or near the end of Lent. It juxtaposes the various things the people around Jesus thought they were accomplishing through Jesus’ death with what Jesus accomplished through or in spite of their actions.