Responsive Reading for Laity Sunday: Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality.” It adapts Scripture from Romans, 1 Timothy, and Philippians.
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Therefore Go! With HOPE through Hospitality.” It adapts Scripture from Romans, 1 Timothy, and Philippians.
Here is a litany for use in worship on World Communion Sunday (October 1, 2017). The prayer emphasizes the fact that God’s promises are available to everyone.
Recognize, honor, and pray for all of the students, teachers, and parents in your community with this back-to-school blessing.
A responsive reading for Laity Sunday on the theme “Living Vital Worship.” It adapts Scripture from Micah, James, Romans, and Matthew.
More and more people are giving to the church electronically, and providing a physical card for online givers to place in the offering allows them to participate in this act of worship. Here are free images you can use to print up some online giving cards.