Kill Your Darlings, but Write Them First
For the sake of clarity, purpose, and even stewardship of the time and attention that people will give our work, we must kill our darlings. But write them first.
For the sake of clarity, purpose, and even stewardship of the time and attention that people will give our work, we must kill our darlings. But write them first.
Writing is hard, and sermons are no different. But both the worst and best part about weekly preaching is that the next one is always coming.
In this final part of the Simple Church Branding series, we look at tying everything together. How do we apply what we have created so far, and where do we go from there?
We reflect and build on our conversation with Rev Magrey deVega. In a deleted scene, we hear what Margey learned from spending a week with Eugene Peterson.
An entire episode of Mad Men can go by and nothing much happens, but it doesn’t mean you weren’t taken on a journey. There are multiple variables we should consider when planning a sermon.