2018 Lent Prayer Calendar
Below is a prayer calendar for Lent 2018. Download the PDF Prayer Calendar to use or share with your congregation.
This is an updated version of the prayer calendar I released in 2015. The 2018 edition condenses some of the previous content in order to make room for weeks that focus on the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes. Their inclusion was inspired by the history and practice covered in The Prayer Wheel by Patton Dodd, Jana Reiss, and David Van Biema.
Lent Prayer Calendar 2018
Weekly Theme: Internal
□ Wednesday, February 14 (Ash Wednesday, Lent Day 1) – My sin
Reflect on areas where your thoughts and actions have separated you from God, others, and yourself. Ask God to make you aware of unrealized sin, and accept God’s forgiveness.
□ Thursday, February 15 (Lent Day 2) – My limitations
Reflect on areas where you don’t feel 100% or where you have experienced failure. Turn your limitations over to God who is our strength.
□ Friday, February 16 (Lent Day 3) – My doubts
Admit to God those areas where you struggle with questions and doubt. Don’t worry—God already knows, and God can handle it. Ask God to bring you perspective and peace.
□ Saturday, February 17 (Lent Day 4) – My resources
Give thanks to God for the resources you do have, ask God for provision where you experience lack, and ask God to show you the difference between wants and needs.
□ Sunday, February 18 (Little Easter 1) – My relationship with God
Thank God for initiating a relationship with you, and ask God to continue to shape you into the person God is calling you to be. Ask God to show you areas where you can better connect.
Weekly Theme: External
□ Monday, February 19 (Lent Day 5) – Friends and family
Give thanks for the people who fill and color your life and bring you joy. Give thanks for the support they give you, and ask God how you can support them in return.
□ Tuesday, February 20 (Lent Day 6) – Enemies
One of the most difficult commands Christ gave us was to pray for our enemies. In the spirit of peace and forgiveness, pray for those individuals, organizations, and even nations that you view as adversaries.
□ Wednesday, February 21 (Lent Day 7) – Those who serve
Say a prayer of thanks for teachers, doctors and nurses, government employees, non-profit organizations, law enforcement officers, first responders, and all those who serve. Ask God to keep them safe, and pray for their relationship to your community.
□ Thursday, February 22 (Lent Day 8) – Those who lead
Pray for wisdom and guidance among those who make decisions and lead in your community and around the world. Pray that they would seek to improve the lives of all people, especially the poor and powerless.
□ Friday, February 23 (Lent Day 9) – Those in need
Remember those who do not have a permanent roof over their head, those who are suffering through illness or injury, those in prison, the poor, and those shackled by systems of prejudice and injustice. Ask for God’s provision, including awareness of ways you can help.
□ Saturday, February 24 (Lent Day 10) – Other local churches
As you look forward to gathering with your church family in worship this weekend, pray for the other churches in your area that do the work of ministry. Pray especially for their work in evangelism, discipleship, and missions.
□ Sunday, February 25 (Little Easter 2) – Those who do not know Christ
Remember in prayer today those who don’t yet know Christ or who struggle with faith. Ask God how you can be the presence of Christ in their lives.
Weekly Theme: The Lord’s Prayer
□ Monday, February 26 (Lent Day 11) – Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Think about the holiness of God as you pray today. What does ‘holy’ mean to you? What does it mean to you that a holy God would want to hear your prayers?
□ Tuesday, February 27 (Lent Day 12) – Thy kingdom come
What would it look like in your community if God’s kingdom were fully present? What is one practical thing you can do today to help bring about God’s kingdom?
□ Wednesday, February 28 (Lent Day 13) – Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
We are saved by faith alone. Yet Scripture, including through the teachings of Jesus, tells us that obedience is a sign of our faith and salvation. Pray for the direction and confidence needed to follow God’s will in your life today.
□ Thursday, March 1 (Lent Day 14) – Give us this day our daily bread
Offer up a prayer of gratitude, recognizing that all you have is a blessing from God. Keep in mind those in your community whose daily needs are not met—whether it is food, shelter, or medical care.
□ Friday, March 2 (Lent Day 15) – Forgives us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
As you seek forgiveness, offer forgiveness. There may still need to be consequences and/or boundaries, but let go of the power that holding onto wrongs can have over you.
□ Saturday, March 3 (Lent Day 16) – Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
Ask God for the strength to focus on what God would have you do today. Say a special prayer for those who struggle with addiction.
□ Sunday, March 4 (Little Easter 3) – For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Why do we pray all of these things in the Lord’s Prayer? Because all power and glory belong to God—they always have and always will. Let this truth animate your worship today.
Weekly Theme: The Beatitudes
□ Monday, March 5 (Lent Day 17) – Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The Beatitudes are so impactful because they turn perspectives upside down. Jesus begins by proclaiming that those who find little hope in the kingdoms of this world will find their place in the heavenly kingdom.
□ Tuesday, March 6 (Lent Day 18) – Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Say a prayer for those in your community who are grieving the loss of loved ones. May God bring them peace.
□ Wednesday, March 7 (Lent Day 19) – Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Say a prayer of thanks for those people in your life who model humility. Consider finding some small way to let them know that you appreciate them.
□ Thursday, March 8 (Lent Day 20) – Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Ask God to make you aware of voices that are calling for justice and righteousness. Pray for the openness to listen and learn from them.
□ Friday, March 9 (Lent Day 21) – Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy… Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Peace is not simply the absence of conflict. Ask God to show you ways that you can be an active force for mercy and peace in your community.
□ Saturday, March 10 (Lent Day 22) – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Be honest with God about your doubts, your struggles, and the ways in which doing God’s will remains difficult. Ask God to reveal and remove the impurities that hinder your relationship.
□ Sunday, March 11 (Little Easter 4) – Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on [Jesus’] account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.
Ask God for the courage to live a life that reflects your faith in everything you do. Say a prayer for those around the world who face persecution, including violence and even death, for their faith.
Weekly Theme: Fruits of the Spirit
□ Monday, March 12 (Lent Day 23) – Love
Ask God to increase within you the fruit of love.
□ Tuesday, March 13 (Lent Day 24) – Joy
Ask God to increase within you the fruit of joy.
□ Wednesday, March 14 (Lent Day 25) – Peace
Ask God to increase within you the fruit of peace.
□ Thursday, March 15 (Lent Day 26) – Patience
Ask God to increase within you the fruit of patience.
□ Friday, March 16 (Lent Day 27) – Kindness, Generosity
Ask God to increase within you the fruits of kindness and generosity.
□ Saturday, March 17 (Lent Day 28) – Faithfulness, Gentleness
Ask God to increase within you the fruits of faithfulness and gentleness.
□ Sunday, March 18 (Little Easter 5) – Self-Control
Ask God to increase within you the fruit of self-control.
Weekly Theme: Spiritual Disciplines
□ Monday, March 19 (Lent Day 29) – My prayer life
Ask God to bring you assurance that your prayers are heard and valued.
□ Tuesday, March 20 (Lent Day 30) – My reading of Scripture
Ask God to bring the Word of God alive for you today.
□ Wednesday, March 21 (Lent Day 31) – My practice of celebration/gratitude
Ask God to make you someone who remembers to celebrate and give thanks often.
□ Thursday, March 22 (Lent Day 32) – My practice of giving/simplicity
Ask God to show you how you can simplify your life. Dedicate or donate any time, resources, or tangible things you no longer need or use to someone or some organization that needs it.
□ Friday, March 23 (Lent Day 33) – My practice of service/missions
Ask God to place on your heart a person or group, a problem, or an organization to whom or through which you can be the hands and feet of Christ.
□ Saturday, March 24 (Lent Day 34) – My practice of Sabbath/silence/solitude
Ask God to help you find spaces in your life where you can be still and rest in God’s presence.
□ Sunday, March 25 (Palm Sunday, Little Easter 6) – My practice of worship
Ask God to reignite your passion for worship, especially as you come to church today.
Weekly Theme: Life of Jesus
□ Monday, March 26 (Lent Day 35) – The birth/baptism of Jesus
Think about how much of a sacrifice and how great a gift it was that the infinite God chose to take on human flesh. Remember and give thanks for the gift of baptism.
□ Tuesday, March 27 (Lent Day 36) – The teachings of Jesus
Reflect on the teachings of Jesus that have had the greatest impact on your life. Notice too how Jesus often chooses to teach through stories. Ask God how you can use your story.
□ Wednesday, March 28 (Lent Day 37) – The miracles of Jesus
Remember the ways in which Christ did the work of God through miracles. Give thanks for the modern-day miracles that we take for granted all the time.
□ Thursday, March 29 (Maundy Thursday, Lent Day 38) – The institution of communion
As we mark the night of the Last Supper, remember that Jesus called them to unity. Remember also that Jesus took an ordinary meal, bread and wine, and made it extraordinary.
□ Friday, March 30 (Good Friday, Lent Day 39) – The crucifixion of Jesus
Remember the pain and suffering that Christ took upon himself, even though he did not deserve it, so that our sins could be forgiven.
□ Saturday, March 31 (Holy Saturday, Lent Day 40) – The defeat of sin and death
Remember that as the world waited in silence, Jesus continued to reveal God’s power and love for us by defeating the powers of sin and death. Ask God to defeat them in your life today.
□ Sunday, April 1 (Easter Sunday) – The resurrection
Remember the most amazing gift of all—Christ rose from the dead! In doing so, he made a way for us to be reconciled to God and to be in relationship with God for eternity.