Free Advent 2017 Graphics for Worship and Social Media
Advent is fast approaching. And as you prepare your sermons, schedule all of the extra Christmas events, look for the nativity costumes, and hope to see your family once or twice in December, let me ask you:
Have your made any plans for design and promotion?
Advent and Christmas Eve are great times for outreach. We all know that. But a huge roadblock for many pastors is having the time, tools, and skills to create a cohesive set of images for use in worship and on social media.
That’s where I come in! I have created a full set of images you can use at your ministry to promote Advent on social media and carry that visual theme into worship as well.
Like in previous years there are multiple options included in the pack, so you can select the set that works best with your plan. In addition, because this year’s graphics feature an illustration of Advent candles, each option has a full set of images that develops over the course of Advent.
Check some examples out below:

There are 4 sizes of graphics included in this free offer: standard worship slide, widescreen worship slide, square images for social media (Facebook, Instagram), and wide images for social media (Facebook, Twitter).
The image options include:
- Advent with no subtitle/series title
- Advent with “Prepare the Way” subtitle/series title
- Advent with the week as subtitle
- The illustration with no text
- Christmas Eve with multiple subtitle/message title options
- Merry Christmas
- Join us next week, Christmas Eve, and/or Christmas Day
- Welcome to worship (worship slides only)
- Thank you for coming (worship slides only)
- A blank background for use with lyrics, Scripture, or your own design
And remember, each of these image options includes a full set of graphics that progress through the Advent season!
UPDATE: These graphics are no longer the current giveaway for signing up for the email list. However, you are still welcome to have them for free! Join the list, get the current free gift, and then reply to that email. Ask for the 2017 Advent Images, and I will get them to you as soon as I can.