Picture Advent 2015

If you are looking for a creative and fun way engage the season of Advent–either for yourself or your ministry–I encourage you to check out PictureAdvent.com. Picture Advent is an awesome program directed by Rev. Melissa Cooper of LEC Family.

The core of the program is a day-by-day walk through Scriptures and themes related to Advent. The schedule, pictured below, provides the foundation for lots of fun and meaningful activities.


The most visible and interactive activity is the Photo-A-Day Challenge. Take a photo each day that relates to the daily Scripture/theme and post it to social media using the hashtag #pictureAdvent. You can then share, retweet, or regram your favorites across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Various ministry leaders have written daily devotions for the season of Advent. You can head over to the site and sign up to receive them in your inbox each day or find them on the site once Advent begins on Sunday.

They also provide tons of resources to get your church involved. This includes bulletin inserts with the week’s themes/Scriptures and a litany for worship, activities for families, and activities for youth groups or Sunday school classes.

I highly encourage you to check the program out and get involved. It is a completely FREE set of high quality resources that help us intentionally experience Advent without just jumping to Christmas.

If you enjoy the experience, be sure to keep your eyes out in February as they launch a similar program at PictureLent.com

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