Textures of the Life of Jesus
Below are images I took while on my trip to the Holy Land. They are extreme closeups, capturing the textures of some of the places we visited. This set of images specifically focuses on the life of Jesus.
By getting such a close look at details from the settings of Jesus’ life, it is a reminder that he was a real person who lived and ministered in real places. They can serve as visual guides or inspiration for times of prayer or Scripture reading. May they help bring to life the stories of the Gospels.
For example, included in these images is a close up of the wall of the prison cell underneath the house of Ciaphas where Jesus was held while awaiting his trial. As Jesus perhaps lay his head against this stone wall, what would he have been feeling? Seeing? Thinking about? Praying about?
Note: There are two locations traditionally held by different branches of the Church to be the site of Jesus’ death and resurrection — the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Garden Tomb. The photos are arranged relatively chronologically to the Gospel stories, and so photos from both locations are interspersed. See the captions for details.
Teaching Steps
When Jesus taught at the Jerusalem Temple, it was on these stone steps to the south of the Temple wall.
Ciaphas Prison
The wall of the prison cell under the house of Ciaphas where Jesus was held while awaiting his trial.
The stones of the plaza upon which it is traditionally held that Jesus was beaten and received the cross.
Via Dolorosa
It is traditionally held that Jesus reached out his hand to steady himself against this stone while carrying the cross down the Via Dolorosa.
Burial Preparation Stone
It is traditionally held that Jesus’ body was laid upon this stone slab inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to be prepared for burial after being taken down from the cross.
Garden Tomb Track
The stone track across the entrance to the Garden Tomb, where the great sealing stone would have been rolled into place.
Garden Tomb Sealing Stake
In order to ensure that no one rolled away the stone and stole Jesus’ body, this metal stake was driven into the rock to hold the stone in place, effectively sealing the Garden Tomb.
Garden Tomb Inner Wall
The wall inside the Garden Tomb where some traditions hold that Jesus was buried and resurrected.
Empty Tomb Marble
Marble now covers the stone ledge inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre upon which some traditions hold that Jesus was laid for burial.
Oh Dan! Thank you so much for these images. A different perspective adds so much to our trip. SO thankful and blessed to have been on this trip with you. God bless you!